See How a Gen X Floridian is Secretly Earning Over $300,000 from Remote Jobs

  • A Florida Gen Xer secretly working multiple remote jobs earned over $300,000 in 2023.
  • Despite the high income, he still feels “far from rich” due to long-term financial goals.
  • His higher earnings have improved his travel experiences, family support, and home renovations.

From Single Tech Job to Multiple Roles

In 2021, Robert was earning about $180,000 annually from his tech job, but he feared a layoff was imminent due to a slowdown in workflow. Seeking job security, he found another role paying $190,000. Inspired by a former coworker making significant income from dual jobs, Robert decided to juggle both roles.

The Impact of Extra Income

In 2023, Robert’s income surpassed $300,000 thanks to multiple remote roles, as verified by Business Insider. This financial boost allowed his partner to quit their job and enabled them to enjoy expensive vacations, such as a $20,000 cruise. Despite the increase in earnings, Robert still feels “far from rich,” attributing this to the need for long-term financial security and past financial missteps.

Overemployment and Its Perks

Robert is part of the “overemployed” trend—Americans secretly working multiple remote jobs to increase their income. This group uses extra earnings to pay off debt, save for retirement, and afford various luxuries. However, working multiple jobs without employer approval can lead to repercussions.

Spending Priorities: Travel, Family, and Home

Robert spends a significant portion of his income on travel, estimating annual travel expenses between $28,000 and $35,000. Destinations include Yellowstone, the Galápagos Islands, and Las Vegas. He also allocates funds to support family members and improve his home.

He estimated spending $5,000 to $6,000 annually to help relatives but is cautious about it. “I am careful with that because I know financial help to some actually is a disservice and prevents people from pushing themselves to succeed,” he said.

Aside from family and travel, Robert spends most of his money on food and his home. He doesn’t typically budget for food, but the expenses can add up, especially during travel. On a five-day trip earlier this year, he spent about $700 on food, including $225 on one meal for himself and two family members. Typically, he spends between $1,500 to $2,000 on food monthly.

“We eat well,” he said. “I grew up poor with little to no good food and that is something I do not skimp on.”

Robert’s housing expenses include a mortgage with a $380,000 balance, and he’s investing over $100,000 in home refurbishments. This money goes toward a new deck with a high-end hot tub, his basement, and an over 1,000-square-foot garage for vehicles, a gym, and storage. He has taken out loans to fund some of these expenses.

Additionally, Robert has bought two vehicles in recent years, both mostly paid off, and he tries to maximize contributions to his 401(k) account.

Future Financial Goals

Despite the higher income, Robert remains focused on financial goals, aiming to be debt-free in five years and save $250,000 within six to seven years, separate from retirement accounts.

“My partner and I would like to have no debts in five years unless we invest in a vacation home for us and the family,” he said. “We would also like to have $250,000 saved up in six or seven years which is separate from our retirement accounts.”

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